

Ahh! Sorry, life gets in the way. I have been busy all day, and will be busy tomorrow, but I wanted to just update a little bit at least to keep a timeline. This AM, Brandi and Omarosa got into it and that sealed the decision for the group to flip the vote. During the live show, they sent Chuck home. Metta voted for Chuck, thinking that meant to keep him. LOL. So it ended up being a 7-1 vote. Obviously this has turned the house upside down. Lots of conversations going on when the feeds came back.


Just after midnight: Girls are still trying to get Brandi to go to bed, scattered chatter about her antics. Also, it appears Metta house found a showmance with Orwell. 12:09 am Cam 1/2: Marissa out of the DR, getting the recap of what Brandi said. 12:15 am Cam 3/4: James campaigning to Ross. He thinks that Shannon is going to respect him if he calls her on her bullshit. K. 12:32 am All cams: Chuck is really cool about the Brandi drama. I think people 12:35 am Cam 3/4: Ross letting Shannon know what James told him. He seems to be playing both sides. No surprise here. 12:47 am cam 1/2: James mentions some drama that was falsely pointed his way. Hope they show that on the show, I'm highly curious. 7:35 am Cam 1/2: Marissa and Omarosa rehashing Brandi's antics. 12:20 pm All Cams: My apologies for not posting this mornings updates yet, but feeds have returned and they got a note from Big Brother. The speakeasy is now going to include a social media station. The houseguest...


EARLY PREVIEW 2:30 pm Cam 1/2: Chuck appears to be campaigning to Shannon and Omarosa. 2:35 pm Cam 1/2: Shannon and Omarosa discussing game, mentioning how Keisha is a strong player. Girls alliance already in trouble? 2:38 pm Cam 1/2: Ross has done something that made Omarosa mad. Shannon mentions that she had tried to make an alliance with Ross and Marissa because she believes they have a final 2. Omarosa says she's putting Ross up the first chance she gets. 2:40 pm Cam 1/2: Shannon says if she was the boys, she'd put up Ari and Marissa and backdoor her (Shannon). Metta is apparently a wild card, no one knows what he'll do. Omarosa says Mark would put her and Shannon up. She says Chuck might put Shannon and Metta up, or Keisha.James implied that Shannon didn't put them up, but they know she's in charge. Shannon believes she's going to be backdoored no matter what. Omarosa believes she'll be up next to her. They believe Ross, Marissa, and Brandi would pu...


2:00 pm All cams: Another preview!! 2:03 PM Cam 1/2: Aria and Marissa are in the HOH room. Cam 3/4: Brandi and Ross (dream alliance obviously) are in the kitchen. They're wrapping Aria's knees with ice packs, it seems. Maybe sore from Veto? 2:11 pm Cam 1/2: Possibly notable, Metta is never around anyone during these previews. (We only see 15 minutes of the day so who knows, could be coincidence) 2:13 pm Cam 3/4: Chuck mentions having other people cook for  him. Clearly he's never seen this show. lol.


Another sneak peek!!!! 6:00 pm All cams: Ross and Marissa are studying in the game room. Ariadna, Omarosa, and Brandi talking in the Tiffany room. Omarosa and Ariadna agreeing they like Chuck, but Mark did something during the comp to make Ariadna mad. They mention that the boys are jealous of the girls being together. The boys were claiming Shannon and Keisha were cheating. Brandi says they're poor sports. They mention that James is more humble now that he's realized hes not in power. 6:06 pm cam 1/2: Marissa talking about the comp, mentions that she had champagne. 6:08 pm Cam 1/2: Chuck mentions the sneak peek, so they must have been informed it was happening. 6:09 pm all cams: Just a warning, that cackling scared the crap out of me. 6:10 pm Cam 3/4: It sounds like Brandi is already in trouble with people. Shoot! Too short of a preview. But what we gathered is that there was a spelling comp. James and Mark may or may not be nominated, and Keisha won veto Can't ...


What??? Unexpected feeds!! 1:00 pm All cams: Feeds come on. Mark and Chuck talking about fighting, Brandi and Ariadna bonding over make up. 1:02 pm 3/4: Cams cut to bathroom where Omarosa and Shannon are talking. 1:09 pm 3/4: Omarosa: "I refuse to be part of the catty" hmm. Sure Jan. 1:10 pm All Cams: Boys are gathered in the kitchen, Marissa, Shannon, and Omarosa are chatting in the bathroom area. Marissa is definitely working the girl angle Omarosa, Shannon, and Marissa all declare "I'm solid" to each other. Don't get me wrong, I would love to see a girls alliance. I'm just not getting my hopes up.


What's up guys??? Who's ready for this (er, well) star-studded version of this game we all love??? Now I realize that Celebrity BB is not exactly a new concept, this will just be the first US version, and also the first version I will have watched. Now keep in mind, it's a shorter version of the show, lasting approximately a month, so it's likely to be a whirlwind that's over before we know it!! As most of you know, the cast was announced last night during the Grammy's and without further ado, here's my bio recap!! Ariadna GutiĆ©rrez Age:  24 Hometown:  Born in Sincelejo, Colombia but raised in Barranquilla, Colombia Current city:  Miami, Florida Occupation:  Actress, TV host, model Three adjectives that describe you:  Determined, optimistic, and generous. Favorite activities:  Family time, healthy living, and traveling. What do you think will be the most difficult part of living inside the  Big Brother  house?  Not having direct c...